20 facts about Osama Bin Laden
1. Osama bin Laden was born March 10, 1957. March 10 also born: Chuck Norris Sharon Stone, and many others.
2. Full name, Osama bin Muhammad bin Awad bin Ladin
3. Bin Laden family, the prosperity which marked the beginning of the father of Osama, and is now one of the richest and most influential in Saudi Arabia, the Saudi bin Laden group "controls a significant part of the Saudi economy in areas such as construction, oil, shipbuilding, media and telecommunications.
4. In 1991, bin Laden settled in Sudan, went into business. He began to run in Sudan highways. Using the latest technology and building technology in the shortest time bin Laden has paved the desert 1200 km (a quarter of the total length) of good roads, ensuring the work of tens of thousands of Sudanese and the first connecting villages and towns of the country with the capital, Khartoum and Port Sudan. In addition, bin Laden engaged in the business pharmacology, building in Khartoum, Africa's largest pharmaceutical plant, and with him - a research center. Another area of bin Laden in Sudan has become the slave trade. This industry has long thrived in the Sudan. But after coming to power the National Islamic Front, he has acquired unprecedented scale
5. One of the major sources of funding Osama bin Laden made the drug business. He purchased the latest equipment and invited experts-chemists, its main drug labs and warehouses are located in eastern Afghanistan, near the town of Khost
6. During the Bosnian war, Osama bin Laden visited Sarajevo. Bin Laden and his Tunisian assistant Mehrez Aoduni received Bosnian citizenship in 1993.
7. Osama bin Laden since 1995 has been actively involved in the Chechen conflict, sending the agents of Al Qaeda in the North Caucasus and sponsoring Chechen terrorists
8. The name of Osama bin Laden, by and large, little was known before as long as the world's attention to it did not attract the FBI's statement that he considered the chief suspect in the organization of terrorist acts of September 11, 2001 when, during which three of the four passenger airliners, trapped in the air, were aimed at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and a fourth airliner crashed in Pennsylvania.
9. Since the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 on the death of Osama bin Laden declared six times
10. Osama bin Laden is often described a tall man, the FBI believes its tall and thin: height - 193-195 cm and weight - about 75 kg. Skin color - olive.
11. Bin Laden - left-handed, and usually walks with a cane.
12. Bin Laden has been married five times. The first time he had married in 1975 to his cousin. It was rumored that one of his wives - the daughter of the Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar.
13. Bin Laden has 17 sons and only two - Hamza and Saad - relate to al-Qaida.
14. Brother Osama - Yeslam Bin Laden lives in Switzerland.
15. Using anecdotal information in the press is widely written that from his father, Osama bin Laden inherited about 250-300 million dollars
16. In Islamabad, you can easily buy a T-shirt that reads: "Osama Bin Laden - a hero of the planet." Made with iron and carbon paper, but it costs 10 dollars. And prices are constantly increasing.
17. In particular, many Arabic-language forums, people put an avatar with his picture and talk about him with undisguised admiration as the "Lion of Islam", the defender of the Arab population of Palestine in their struggle with Israel
18. In the movie Fahrenheit 9 / 11, describe the alleged ties of friendship and business contacts in the field of oil business between Osama and George Bush.
19. Brewery Brasov (Romania) produced beer under the brand name Ben Laden with his picture on the label.
20. Osama was rooting for Arsenal.
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